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Economics - first-cycle studies

first-cycle studies /Full-time, part-time/

Studies in Economics Faculty prepare for the profession of economist. The curriculum has been prepared so as to provide the graduate with the ability to grasp economic phenomena in the field of economics. The aim of the studies is to equip the graduates with competences for professional, independent performance of tasks in the field of economics, including carrying out financial matters in small, medium and large corporate production, service provision and commercial enterprises, in public institutions, financial organizations, as well as in economic entities. The knowledge and skills acquired in these studies are useful in running one’s own business activity.

Specialty offered in the Economics Faculty:

  • entrepreneurship and development of own business activity (PiRWDG);
  • economics of public sector (ESP).

Specialty "entrepreneurship and development of own business activity (PiRWDG)" facilitates a student preparation to work in business. The graduate has the skills necessary to conduct consulting activities or their own business. They are prepared both as a micro-entrepreneur as well as to perform expert professions, in Poland and abroad, in particular such professions as an analyst, specialist, consultant in commercial or public sector or on the border of these two sectors.

Choosing the specialty "economics and finance of small and medium-sized enterprises", the student has in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of enterprise operation. They know the methods of market analysis, know how the capital market operates, know the rules of running an investment account. Moreover, the student can also design business strategies in the field of finance and marketing.

Characteristic of the student at the specialty “economics of public sector”
A graduate of the "economics of public sector" specialty can undertake employment in all entities of the public economy, which require the skills to prepare, make and implement decisions. The graduate is prepared to efficiently respond to changes in the economic and social environment. This applies to changes in the methods of financing and managing health care, the field of culture, but also small, medium and large public organizations and non-profit organizations.
A graduate of the "economics of public sector" specialty may undertake employment in local government units, budget units, local budget institutions, executive agencies, budget economy institutions, state special purpose funds, Social Insurance Institutions and the funds managed by them, as well as in the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund and funds managed by the President of the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund, in the National Health Fund, independent public healthcare institutions, public universities, the Polish Academy of Sciences and its organizational, state and local government units.
The first-cycle studies curriculum in economics complies with the teaching standards, the graduate is prepared to undertake second-cycle studies in the same or a related faculty and specialty.

The studies take 6 semesters. Number of hours is 1650, plus 720 hours of internship. Number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is 180.

(full-time, part-time first cycle  3- year studies)
(specialty is selected at the beginning of 1st semester)
Certificates contest – the average of three subjects (the best marks from the secondary school leaving certificate and the certificate of secondary school examination of maturity): Polish, a modern foreign language, and one subject to be chosen by the candidate. Contest of certificates of secondary school examination of maturity - average of three subjects (results obtained in the secondary school examination of maturity; basic or extended level): Polish, a modern foreign language, and one subject to choose from: Mathematics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, IT, History, Civics, Philosophy.

  1. A foreign language to be chosen from the offer presented by the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Jan Długosz University.
  2. Internship - mid-year internships, carried out alternately with didactic classes at the University during a given academic year. Internships carried out within the period provided for in the organization of the academic year for didactic classes, 180 hours each in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th semesters. Total duration - 6 months (720 hours);
  3. Seminar topics to be selected according to the list for a given academic year. Seminar for the faculty of economics, and accounting and taxes.
  4. The student chooses the subject of free choice from among the lectures defined by the Faculties of the Jan Długosz University and defined as free choice subjects - in a given semester in order to obtain a minimum specified number of ECTS points. The offer of free choice subjects may include independent lectures as well as lectures that are a part to larger modules (in such an event, a certain number of ECTS points is assigned to the lecture: for a lecture of 15 hours - 1 ECTS point, for a lecture of 30 hours - 2 ECTS points).
  5. According to the list for a given academic year

* hours of classes without internships and ECTS with internships

Data dodania: 03 stycznia 2025